When you actually read the CDC report on the 6% who died of COVID with "no underlying condition" and dig into what an "underlying condition" can actually mean, they include Pneumonia and the Flu. Since the majority of COVID deaths have been in the elderly, I ask you: how many elderly people have died of the Pneumonia and Flu every year that were NEVER reported before this COVID mess started last year? This "underlying condition" is enough to kill the sick and elderly all by itself. How are these "underlying"?
Others listed are heart failure and cardiac arrest. OK, again, how many have died of some form of heart disease every year, year after year of these conditions? This has always been one of the biggest killers of U.S. citizens, mainly because we are as a group obese and out of shape. But don't put that all on COVID.
My favorite category in this list is "Intentional and unintentional injury, poisoning and other adverse events"... oh, you mean like an automobile accident where your chest is caved in? Or when when a wife finds her spouse cheating and stabs him with a kitchen knife? If you go to the hospital with one of these "underlying conditions" (i.e. a huge knife hanging out of your back) and die from it and then are tested for COVID and are found to have had it, BINGO! COVID death. Yay. More money for the hospital.
Others are: renal failure, respiratory disease, diabetes and the like. Again, these are all killers by themselves.
Trying to snarkily dismiss this as a "conspiracy" is lazy and dishonest. Thinking people see the nuance in this. Granted, it is impossible to know if ANY of the deaths that had those underlying conditions would have not been deaths had the patient not had COVID. I don't know that, you don't know that. But an honest person has to admit that there has to be some percentage of the reported COVID deaths that are not really because of COVID.
To me there is a HUGE difference between dying BECAUSE of COVID vs. dying WITH it. Sure, COVID may finish you off, but if you are lying in a hospital bed with stage 3 cancer and COVID finishes you off, how is that COVID death? We don't do that with AIDS. Technically, no one really dies of AIDS. You always die by the complication that comes from you immune system being ruined by it. But when someone dies of AIDS, we say that. We list the thing that finishes them off as a "complication" or we say they died of the complication, DUE TO AIDS.
Yet with COVID, we do it backwards. If a patient has a heart attack and dies, sure, maybe COVID finished them off. But they died because of the heart attack, with a complication of COVID. Just like we would say about AIDS. But that is NOT how it is reported and counted by the media and the medical community.
This is not conspiracy. It is fact and logic.